Sunday, October 5, 2008

I like it that Obama rhymes with llama

We missed church today because we figured everyone was going to be at the rally anyway. I was ambivalent about going because of the huge crowds expected, but sons #1 and #2 both expressed clear desires to attend. We saw two pugs there, although one was a Republican according to her human. We walked for frekin miles, and after we saw what might be the end of the line going into the stadium, we decided to watch from a bluff to the left of the stage, behind a fence in some lovely shade. I liked our spot because I got to knit in the cool, and we had a gang of boys with sticks hooting and climbing trees for entertainment. It was a very easy going crowd, discussing transcendental meditation and smoking pot (away from us thank goodness or I'd have hurled on them). When he got there I got pictures and he waved at us there on the bluff. It was pretty weird to see all of the secret service doing their thing! I liked the speech Obama made, recognizing the beauty of Asheville and joking that the only thing he didnt like was having to pass up the golf course. He says he'll come back sometime. I hope he brings his family, I bet the girls would like Biltmore. Anyways, here's my pics! How was that for a political post with zero politics? I hate politics.

1 comment:

Katherine said...

Lucky you! It cracks me up that you counted the pugs (did you hug them all?). I'm actually going to a rally on Saturday, but Obama won't be there. Still, it's my first ever rally, so I'm excited. ; )