I feel bittersweet. I have several friends that are either seriously ill or having those scary tumor tests right now, and I want to send my prayers to join with the others going out for these lovely women. Robyn, Mary, Brenda you are all in my thoughts.
I sent Bootsie's sock monkey hat to Grandpa and here are the cutest pictures of him wearing it. If that doesnt bring a smile I'm not sure what will!
Tomorrow is the big adoption day and I have already been shoping for puppy toys. Notice the tiny sheep.
That was so nice of you to send Bootsie's hat to Grandpa! He is the cutest ole pug & looks just darling with that hat on :)
I'm so excited for you! The new baby toys are so cute. Do you know what you are naming the new baby?
Sending prayers your way for your friends, and to your new baby.
mbmb (from ravelry)
Aw, tomorrow you get to bring home your little bundle of joy...Hopefully that won't be followed by the months of sleepless nights like when you had your kids...
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