Thursday, July 30, 2009

Death March and Ravelry News

The boys have been staying up alllllll night and sleeping all day so the hubs decided it was time for a Bowman Family Death March. I dragged them up at 8:30 and took them to Sunny Point Cafe for brekky. YUM! Pictured: banana bread french toast with chocolate sauce, OMG! Also pretty fruit plate. Shrimp and bacon grits... Oy Vey! Then we ran around Asheville all afternoon. I gave them sugar and forced them to drink coffee. They all got their shaggy summer hair buzzed off, and son #2 got his first mohawk. Awww... They crashed at 8pm- score!
Also, my designer shop is open on the rav, with the little eyeglasses bolero pattern available for free download. Im very excited about it- Mary made one already and its so pretty!

1 comment:

Fru-la-la! said...

Okay I LOVE the food pron! And the blue mohawk! Also, so proud of you for the designer shop on Rav!!! xoxoxo!!