It's a weird weekend, isn't it? I finally convinced the kids to turn off the Land of the Lost marathon. That show is so freaky. I can't WAIT to see the new version with Will Ferrel who is my future ex-husband.
I want to shout out to our Veterans, and say thank you for kicking ass on behalf of our country.
It's also Towel Day, so celebrate accordingly.
I'm busy planning the Ashevegas Tractors Retreat for my girls in June and it's getting pretty exciting. We have a yarn party planned for Friday night, and Saturday we might get to tour an Alpaca Farm as part of this weekend-long WNC Farm tour. We want to do a walking tour of the Grove and do the Woolworth Art Gallery, Earth Guild, Malaprops, and get our knit on. Then Sunday we will do a yarn swap and Lizabee has a special goodbye ceremony she's planning.
Meanwhile, I am slowly knitting my first toe-ups. Yay!
Towelie says, "Don't forget to bring a towel!"
I saw a preview for that new Land of the Lost, and I LMAO!!! That is going to be great...cute doggies ;0
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