While Ravelry is down I will fight withdrawal symptoms by blogging about the latest in my life. I have applied for a part-time job in order to fund my yarn habit. Well ok it will help pay the bills but then I can buy yarn guilt-free! So wish me luck. My skills are: Quickbooks, and counseling. And yarny stuff. Anybody hiring?
Last night I went to the Knitting Guild meeting on Grove St. I really enjoy these meetings because I feel like I am reading a novel as I experience the group's interactions. All of the members are such characters! Spunky, intelligent, talented, with a variety of moods from giggly and sweet to churlish, these older knitters are a joy. I especially love to see their work, complicated and beautiful. I'll have to bring my camera next month. Plus, Marilyn H who teaches at
Purl's, taught me a crochet cast on! Next meeting is the first Mon night in September, be there or be square. OK you can be both.